Adding a Match Program

A Match Program is an organization's effort to solicit contributions from individuals for a cause. In return, the organization will often match or exceed those contributions to bolster the funds raised. A common example of a Match Program is a corporation offering to match donations of its employees for charitable contributions to raise money for a specific cause.

You must have the organization that is sponsoring the match program set up as a constituent before beginning this process.

You must have the campaign set up that will be used for the match program before beginning this process.

To add a match program, complete the following steps:

  1. Expand the Match Program group item located on the left navigation bar in the Fundraising module.
  2. Click the Add Match Program hyperlink.
  3. Complete the following fields as necessary:

    Select the organization that will be matching the contributed gifts. You may enter the name directly or select the Look-up icon to search for the constituent.

    Note that the constituent must already have a record in CRM to appear in this list.

    codeYesEnter an identifying code for the match program.
    corporate match?No

    If this is a corporate match program, select this checkbox. Note that if you select this checkbox that only individuals linked to the constituent organization will be able to make gift contributions.

    You may view who is linked to the organization under the Relations tab of the organization profile.


    Select the campaign for the program. A gift cannot be linked to the program unless the gift has the selected campaign.

    start dateNoEnter the start date of the match program.
    end dateNoEnter the end date of the match program.
    total program match amountNo Enter the match amount set aside for the match program by the organization. Note: This amount is to be tracked internally by your organization. netFORUM itself does not provide tracking or cut-off when match amount is met through campaign gifts.
    matching gift multiplierNoEnter the value for the matching gift multiplier. For instance, if this program will be a dollar-for-dollar match enter the number 1, if the match will be for .50 cents per dollar donated enter the value 0.5, and so on.
    minimum qualifying amountYesEnter the minimum gift amount that will qualify for this match program. For example, if a minimum gift of $100 is required enter 100.00.
    maximum gift match amountNoEnter the maximum gift amount that this match program will honor. For instance, if the highest gift amount this match program will match is $1000 enter 1000.00.
  4. Click the Save button. The Match Program Profile appears.